October 18th- Liebster Award

I was nominated by mypersonalteenlife for the Liebster Award, so i’m making a little post out of my usual schedule oooo. Check out her blog about teenage life, it’s a great blog! 🙂 (also check out her Liebster Award post here)

Liebster Award:

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Here are the rules for the Liebster Award:

Thank the blogger who nominated you and remember to link them!
Answer the questions that are given to you.
Nominate other bloggers as well. The limit is 11 I believe.
Create more questions for your nominees to answer!
Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by you and make sure to notify them.

  1. mechanicalpen -This blog is full of his original amazing art and also includes posts about music and games! (Music, games and art? whats not to love)
  2. mychildwithin – A really inspiring blog on her own experiences, struggles and life 🙂
  3. 21andsensory – A blog about sensory processing disorders, a beautiful blog that helps people discuss how they cope, really interesting and inspiring! 🙂
  4. problemswithinfinity – A blog about her life full of adorable illustrations!
  5. darlydalry – a great lifestyle blog, fashion, beauty, and general life style posts (also some DIY now and then which I like!)
  6. ambertravels – I am involved in this blog sometimes, it’s full of awesome art and interesting stuff! (Though I realise amber is a very busy person so may not have time for a Liebster Award post!)

Now the questions that mypersonalteenlife set for me to answer 🙂 :

  • Why did you start your blog?

I started blogging because I was trying to find ways to improve my mental health and make me feel like I had some sort of productivity in my life, it’s a place for me to go back and see that even bad days i’ve had aren’t as bad as I remember them to be in the moment, and a reminded that I do have some great days 🙂

  • How long did it take for you to find your niche?

I’m not sure really, from the beginning my blog was to be a diary of my life, I wouldn’t actually expect anyone to read it all but hopefully it’s full of things that are relatable and I am interested in hearing about everyone else day to!

  • Do you like to go shopping? If so, where is your favorite place to shop?

I don’t actually shop for clothing much because I don’t really have the money for it, I actually just often use amazon ahahah I like going to HMV and stuff but I rarely buy anything.

  • What is your guilty pleasure? (I’m talking about food here.)

A guilty food pleasure?? ooo I don’t know, I could probably eat burritos or nachos with guacamole and stuff until I died! I also eat more chocolate than I probably should 😛

Questions for my nominees:

  • What inspired your blog and the beginnings of it?
  • Is there anything you’ve held back from posting for any reason at all? 
  • What are your favourite tags or categories to look at?
  • Tell me 3 things you love about yourself.
  • Is there any particular post you’re proud of that you want everyone to check out?

Come up with your own questions for your nominees!

Thanks for reading guys, hope you like this break from the norm ahaha!

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